Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reader Submissions welcome!

Readers of TBOE: I want your submissions! Why? Because (A) you think things are The Best, and I want to know what they are, and (B) It gives me a day off.

It's not hard to do. Look at these:

Allex Spires submitted Sherlock Holmes Goes Camping as his nomination for The Best Joke.

"Anonymous" voted for Leni as The Best Celebrity Baby (Right Now)

And Allie picked Mary Kate as The Best Olsen Twin -- even before the feds cleared her (Mary Kate, not Allie)

So get your own picks in; if you think something is The Best, email it to me at "thetroublewithroy[at]," and I'll post it and you'll have a chance to win a t-shirt -- and also to say Our Opinions Are Righter Than Yours!

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