Here is my question for you all: How in the world do people know what Padme's last name was without looking it up?
Seriously. I don't know my own last name.
And the question of the day, WORTH 50 POINTS!!!!!!!!!
Which docking bay was the Millennium Falcon waiting in when Obi Wan hired Han Solo?
Commenter 5 gets 10 extra points -- even if they are commenter 4! Whoa, nelly, things are gettin' crazy up in the hizzouse!
I'm very sorry for that last outburst.
Darn day jobs seriously limit fun and writing.
It was in the deleted scenes of Attack of the Clones. The DVD edition, I think.
The DVD edition as in the one before the BluRay.
And just to get the points...
Dammit... I thought it was Wookie Bay anyhow.
All of Attack of the Clones should have been deleted scenes.
Ugh, I hate how work gets in the way of my blogging! I'm a new follower from the A-Z challenge. Hope you have a great weekend! :)
Look forward to your challenge run…
--Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
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