Friday, April 24, 2009

Welcome another TBOE Reader!

Guess who else -- besides you-- is reading The Best of Everything? Dan Patrick and his crew.

Driving into work this morning, I was listening to Dan and his guys talk sports. They began discussing which NFL teams would be good, or bad, to play for, and one of the guys said "We're actually in a time when people are wishing they could get traded to the Atlanta Falcons."

To which another guy said, and I quote: Whodathunkit?

We all know who coined and popularized the term Whodathunkit?! Right?

Me. I did. Keep up with me here.

So welcome, Dan Patrick and his crew of guys on the radio, to the ranks of my readers.

Who else is reading TBOE? (besides you?)

Among others: Mark Harris, Stephen Colbert and dolphins.

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