Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mateo and McHale Update!

Mateo and McHale Shaw are twins who have needed ongoing medical care since their birth... but that doesn't slow them or their family down...

This week, Mom Angie Shaw reports:

McHale has been jabbering non stop since last week. He wakes up and talks all day - some of it is their own little language but he literally talks all day! It is so cute. Mateo is really starting to put together what to say and when. We gave him cough medicine the other night when he woke up around 4:30 am he swallowed it and looked at me and said "Yuck!" When Ryan got up at 5 to get ready for work all I heard from Mateo was "where daddy go?" then he would answer himself and say " daddy go work" it was cute especially that early in the morning.

The boys also were said to have enjoyed the celebration marking further progress on the handicapped-accessible playground that the Shaws are working to develop.

And the medical appointments keep up:

Last week we were also in Milwaukee for some check ups with GI and eye doc. Both boys did great and doctors are happy overall. Tomorrow we go to Milwaukee again to get new ear molds made for their hearing aids.

Mateo and McHale Shaw were born conjoined twins and given only a five percent chance of survival. Nearly three years later they are still going strong, and their family is an inspiration to me and anyone who knows them. They need help, though: they've maxed out their insurance for a lifetime, and the continued medical care the boys need is paid by donations and by hard work.

To find out more, go to Caring Bridge; type "mateoandmchale" into the box that asks you to visit a Caring Bridge site, and follow their adventures more closely.

Or click here for a news update on them.

Or click here to read about the playground their parents are helping create.

Or just send your tax-deductible contribution to:

Mateo and McHale Shaw Irrevocable SNT

C/O Kohler Credit Union

850 Woodlake Road

Kohler, WI 53044

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