Today's scene isn't picked just because it's the hottest puppet sex scene ever (or, I assume it is, since I haven't seen Avenue Q, and also, God only knows what some of you do with your puppets in the privacy of your own home.) It's also picked because it serves a valuable public services.
Sex scenes in movies always serve a valuable public service -- or many. They make dumb movies memorable, and give guys a reason to sit through The Notebook (which Sweetie swears has a sex scene, but I don't remember one in there.)
Team America: World Police's marionette sex scene goes above and beyond that, though, and shows the ultimate line to get that special someone in bed. And that line is: Anything he/she wants you to say.
Write it down, people, and watch how a pro seduces someone:
The 15 Best Sex Scenes:
1. The staircase in A History of Violence.
2. All the sex scenes in Mulholland Drive.
3. Neve Campbell & Denise Richards in the pool in Wild Things.
4. The staircase scene in Unfaithful.
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