Wednesday, January 26, 2011

UPDATE on The Best Choral Versions of Pop Songs: The world just keeps realizing how right I always am.

A while back -- well, almost three years ago -- I posted "The Best Choral Version of A Pop Song," in which I posited two ideas:

1. Nirvana was the (so-far culturally overrated) equivalent of the Bee Gees, and

2. Choral version of pop songs are great.

A while after that -- about a year ago -- a reader nominated "PS 22" as "the greatest kids choir in the world," and now today I've learned that P.S. 22 is all set to upstage James Franco and what's-her-name, the girl nobody cares about, at the Academy Awards, according to HuffPo.

Here's the kids doing "Lisztomania," by Phoenix; I picked this song to show you what a hipster I am:

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