Sunday, January 05, 2014

What Else You GOD? (Infinite Monkeys)

We have an opening in music.

 Doing what?

Making sure a cool song starts as someone sit down in their car.

Doesn't sound important. I was thinking finance.

Hmm.  It’s a recession, you know. Not much out there.  Let me check.

 You could be see a penny pick it up--

Ech. Nothing higher up?

Best I could do would be, uh, let me see, well, there's finding money in coat pockets.

Seriously? What about, like, dragons, piles of gold and silver and a lair?

If you are thinking about nonhuman the best I could do would be a leprechaun.

Pot of gold?
Cereal mascot.

I didn’t even think they were real.

They’re not. That’s the point.

You’re not, either.

Well, not yet, and not if this is the best you’ve got.

We’re under the gun here, you know. I don’t think you can afford to be picky.  How long is it since someone has worshipped you? Or even believed in you?

Too long. I know. I know. I was just… hoping…

For what? For thunder and lightning? For healing the sick? For inspiring works of art? Do you know how quickly those posts get snapped up, if they even open up?

Look, it’s not my fault I’m unemployed.

As I recall, you free-lanced it—

I have heard this quite enough…

… by trying to convince people to make things other than diamonds, gold, and silver valuable, and you being the god of new precious stones and metals.


What was it again? Aluminum?

Tin, actually. Just tin.

I could get you in with broken mirrors.

Switch teams?

It’s been done before.

I… don’t… I mean, I need the work, yeah, but it seems a little outside my… uh…

Starts today.

Does it offer benefits?


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Also: the pirate really has nothing to do with this promo.  But he is fierce.

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