The latest intrepid and brilliant author to enter the First Star Wars Biweekly Blogfest (there'll be more, this is just the first) is last week's weekly prize drawing winner, Lara Schiffbauer. Lara has published a short story, "Bear Hug," which can be read here on Hogglepot, has a story in Daily Bites Of Flesh 2011: 365 Days of Flash Fiction, available through Pill Hill Press, among other publishing achievements, and also (and most importantly, right?) wrote her entry in the Biweekly Blogfest entry; her story is a charming-but-somewhat-dark (?) glimpse into the mind of a kid playing with some Legos. Read it here.
For her efforts, Lara has a chance to win this round, plus got 100 points in the Blogathon standings, PLUS got 5 points for mentioning the Blogathon! Let's all hear it for Lara!
Want to enter? Here's what to do:
Step one: Write a fan fiction fan fiction in which one of your characters writes a Star Wars fan fiction.
Step two: Let me know where to find it.
Step three: Collect 100 points in the Blogathon, plus a post linking to your work and mentioning your books.
Step four: Go on to unprecedented fame and glory and riches as though you are some sort of cross between Hercules and King Midas with a touch of Ryan Gosling/Scarlett Johannson (depending on which you'd prefer) thrown in.
That's the process for The Biweekly Star Wars Blogathon, which is going on from now until the end of the 100-day, 100-question Star Wars Blogathon. The current challenge goes until March 25, so get those entries in!
NOTE: Steps 1-3 are the responsibility of The Best Of Everything. Step 4 will be handled by a pantheon of demigods that meet biannually in Las Cruces, New Mexico. So if you haven't been awarded step 4 yet, complain to them.
Susan Roebuck.
The Golden Eagle.
P.T. Dilloway (a/k/a "Grumpy Bulldog")
Rusty Webb, author of "A Dead God's Wrath."
Hey, I posted mine!
And I commented to you that I did.
It's true - your's is above mine in the comments section. I loved the story!
Thanks for linking Bear Hug! I was pleasantly surprised to find my picture on your blog when I was scrolling through Google Reader!
I can't believe I misspelled "yours" - long day at work...
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