Your leader board:

Andrew Leon: 36,630. (Andrew's the author of the great YA book, The House On The Corner. Click here to go to his blog.)
P.T. Dilloway: 31,121. Author Patrick Dilloway blogs here, and wrote the excellent book Where You Belong, available here.)
Rusty Webb: 4,022, Blogger at The Blutonian Death Egg, author of the great novella A Dead God's Wrath.
Michael Offutt, 302 1/2, author of the great sci-fi book Slipstream, which you can read about on Goodreads)
Lara Schiffbauer: 0. Lara blogs at Lara Schiffbauer's Motivation For Creation, and has written and published several short stories including "Bear Hug," a sci-fi story that can be read here.
Sandra Ulbrich Almazan 600. Sandra blogs here, and wrote "Lyon's Legacy."
Alex J. Cavanaugh, 0 (gave his points to others!) author of the already-here and bestselling sci-fi books CassaFire and CassaStar, which you can read about here)
Cindy Borgne, author of Vallar, 130. Cindy blogs at Dreamer's Perch.
"Sam" Leon: 105 Son of Andrew, author of great Star Wars/House on the Corner fan fiction.
Susan Roebuck, 105. Susan wrote the coming-of-age romance novel Perfect Score, and blogs at SusanRoebuck.com.
The Golden Eagle, 105 This anonymous (?) blogger writes at The Eagle's Aerial Perspective.
Matthew Macnish: 50. Matthew blogs at The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment and has a bunch of really good writing up at his blog page.
Stephen Hayes, 10. Stephen blogs (hilariously) at The Chubby Chatterbox.
Lucy Adams, 10. Lucy blogs at "Lucy Adams," and if you say that enough the words won't feel like they have any meaning anymore.
Sherri Lackey, 10. Sherri has written "The Armorian Empires Trilogy," which is "sci-fi with a splash of steampunk." She blogs at Sherri's Graphomania.
Maurice Mitchell: 10. Maurice blogs at The Geek Twins, and Film Sketchr (the concept art and storyboarding blog.)
Did you earn bonus points that you haven't been awarded? Here's a list of bonus points you could win:1. You get 5 points for mentioning the Blogathon on your blog.

2. You get 50 points for referring someone: Here's how THAT works: you get someone else to enter the Blogathon. That person leaves a comment saying "[ your name here ] got me to enter this." Then THEY get 50 points, and YOU get 50 points -- and you can do this as often as you can find people to start taking part (and so can they!)
3. You get 100 points for entering the Biweekly Blogfest Star Wars Writing Challenge. The current challenge ends 3/25. Details here.
If you should have earned points but don't see them here, let me know in the comments.

yea! for me! Except I didn't win today :(
I have a feeling I'm going to have a hard time beating Grumpy to the punch since he seems to live on blogger.
I just sleep in too late to comment.
Did I get my 5 bonus points for mentioning it?
So basically I'm like the old people in South Park, unbeatable because I get up earlier than other people.
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